Monday, June 3, 2013

Rapture, South/East Coast Tidal Wave, Left Side of God

I was in my back yard where I grew up in Alabama, Southeast USA. It is a rural country area about 3.5 hours north of the Gulf of Mexico and about 7.5 West of the east coast boarder. It was a normal, fairly calm, but overcast day when all of a sudden, I saw a HUGE tidal wave coming toward me-much taller than the pine trees in my yard. I looked up in amazement and I was not afraid. Even though I was dreaming, I can still remember literally feeling my body tingle with such a distinct sensation I have NEVER physically felt in my entire life. I then instantly vanished and appeared in a throne room of heaven. In this place there were individuals waltzing in the presence of three thrones. This place appeared as a completely white ballroom surrounded by tall white pillars, but there is no recollection of a ceiling. I was seated in line with others along the east side of the room as there was a roll being called. I can remember the anticipation in my dream of wanting my name to be called, and so it was. I was extremely happy. As I moved toward the three thrones located in the front of the room, I noticed the middle throne was larger than the others. Although I saw no faces on the middle and right throne, I knew in my dream that the large throne was the throne of God and Jesus sat on the throne to the right. While approaching I saw a black man sitting on the left throne. I can remember not knowing who he was. I can remember thinking in my dream, it does not look like Barack Obama. With a spirit of discernment, I was uneasy and I carefully studied him as he watched me. I can remember in my dream trying to figure out who he was because I never saw him before so I moved as far as I could from him. He was an older, dark complexioned black man with salt and pepper hair and an uncanny half smile. It all felt so real and then I woke to the phone ringing. It was my bishop calling to see how I was doing.
CLARITY: Below is my interpretation which was not given of the Holy Spirit about the African American man on the left throne, lest you be mislead about the meaning. I was not given complete clarity of the interpretation regarding the left throne yet.
It wasn't until February 2013, approximately eight months later that I got alarmed with a funny feeling as Pope Benedict XVI resigned. So, I began researching for his replacement candidates. I scrolled the possibilities and the same eerie feeling I had in my dream returned as I scrolled down to Cardinal Peter Turkson. This is the man from my dream who sat on the left side of God. MY personal interpretation of this dream then was that Peter Turkson was going to be ushered in as pope and that he would be THE false prophet of the end-times. It could mean that when I saw this recognizable person's face, a catholic, fore-runner for pope that THE false prophet and Antichrist would be preparing to come for their roles of a one world religion the bible speaks about. I also have the sense that Catholicism, with their confession to man, worship of Mary- graven images, prayer to saints, scandals and other idolatrous pagan practices are on the left side of God which is opposite the teachings of Jesus Christ. The dream is certain, however, the interpretation is not.

We realize that Cardinal Francis Bergoglio is now the pope. It is only my heightened speculation that pope Francis is the Last pope and THE false prophet of the end-times. So far he is living up to it as many atheist and many non-religious inhabitants are falling in love with him. The appeal for world peace among all denominations of Islam, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, and all non-religious individuals certainly sounds both commendable yet formidable. However, if it sounds to good to be true almost always, it is. See biblical account for THE antichrist and THE false prophet in Revelations 13. (The beast of the sea and beast of the land) 
(Matthew 24:42-44) “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

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